How do you measure?

  • Physical Fitness
  • Dance
  • Visual Art
  • Music
  • Things that are unmeasurable?

People tend to use a rubric.

Physical Fitness (fast burn 7:23 version)

Physical Fitness (slow burn 18:19 version)

What is a Rubric?

A rubric is a systematic and standardized way of evaluating or assessing something based on a set of criteria. It is a tool used to establish clear expectations and guidelines for assessing the quality or performance of a task, project, or assignment. Rubrics are commonly used in education, business, and other fields where subjective judgments need to be made objectively.

A typical rubric consists of a set of criteria that define different levels of performance or achievement, along with descriptions or indicators of what each level looks like. These criteria and descriptions can be organized in a table or a matrix format, with rows representing the criteria and columns representing the levels of performance, often labeled with terms such as “excellent,” “good,” “fair,” and “poor.”

Rubrics are designed to provide a transparent and consistent framework for evaluating performance, and they can be used by teachers, managers, or evaluators to assess various types of work, such as essays, presentations, projects, or performances. They can be used for formative assessment, where feedback is given during the learning or development process, or for summative assessment, where the final product is evaluated at the end of a task or project.

The benefits of using rubrics include providing clear expectations for learners, promoting consistency and fairness in evaluation, facilitating constructive feedback, and helping learners understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Rubrics can be created by individuals or institutions, and they can be tailored to specific tasks, assignments, or projects to ensure that the assessment criteria align with the intended learning outcomes or evaluation objectives.

– Chat GPT 04/17/2023

Rubric – In this video series, we’ll explore crucial quality measurements and understand why people prefer specific ones.